1) What is the definition of behavior change?

– Behavior change can refer to any transformation or modification of human behavior

2) What is included in behavior change?

– Behavior change is very broad because all people have behaviors or habits that, if changed, would increase their health and quality of life.  The changing of behavior includes recognizing that a change needs to be made, creating specific parameters that need to be met to achieve a change in behavior, and then sticking to the changes made.

3) Why is behavior change so hard?

– Changing behavior is hard because human beings are creatures of habit, and many people find change to be uncomfortable or scary.  It is also hard because the majority of people do not effectively change their behavior the first time they try.  Often a person will try multiple times before they actually make a change.

4) So are people successful in changing their behavior?

– Yes, people are successful!  Go to YouTube and search weight-loss success stories and you will find hundreds of people who have made they decision to make a healthy behavior change and who love themselves and life more than they ever have before.  In my “Videos” tab you will find a video about how YouTube is a powerful tool for change.

5) What specific steps are necessary to change my behavior?

– See the article I posted from the Harvard Health Publications in the “Related Links” tab for more details, but here are the stages that people move through according to the transtheoretical model of behavior change: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance.

6) How do I not let my behavior revert back to what it was before?

– This part can be just as hard as changing your behavior because it may requires other changes, such as avoiding situations or triggers associated with your old behavior/habit.  This can be challenging if that means you have to stay away from activities or friends so you can solidify your new healthier behavior.

7) Why is health behavior change important?

– Health behavior change is important because health is important!  Health is pivotal to functionality – how are you supposed to get work done at the office if you have a runny nose and a terrible cough, or if you can’t sit still or focus in between cigarette breaks?  Changing health behaviors will increase your quality of life, even if you have been stuck in a poor habit for years.  A healthy person will live longer and live better in their old age, namely without many of the aches and pains of growing old.

8 ) What sort of behaviors could I change to become more healthy?

– Behaviors you can change are all around us.  They can be as simple as carrying around a water bottle with you so you get enough water each day to as challenging as quitting smoking cigarettes.  Both are important and both would greatly effect your health for good.  For a longer list, see the “Changes” tab.

9) What sort of changes in my health can I expect once I have changed my behavior?

– That depends greatly on the behavior you changed, but pretty much across the board your body will feel better and more invigorated, you mind will be clearer, and you will have more energy to put into activities you engage in everyday.

10) What is the most important thing to keep in mind when trying to change my behavior?

– What I believe is the most important thing to remember is that change is a process, not an event.  It’s okay if your road to change is bumpy, it is for everybody, just keep trying and don’t give up on changing.  Your health is important enough to get through the challenges you will likely face.

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